Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gayoung Kim / Makeup For Children / Thu 1-3 p.m.

Makeup For Children

Mothers freak out when their kids grab a lipstick and rub it all over the face. Most of the people also think there are only bad sides in children wearing makeup. However, I believe this is one of the biggest misunderstandings. If children pass babyhood and grow enough to put on makeup themselves, then it could work in the opposite direction. Makeup in the earliest days can develop children by strengthen color cognitive ability, handwork skill, and self-perception.

At first, capability of understand colors would be improved while using various colorful cosmetics. Makeup is basically changing one's look with adding and controlling color scheme. Therefore, it can provide challenges to work with colors. Children will learn how colors work and the ways to use them doing their faces on. In this prospect, makeup is not different from any other art classes. It would help to stimulate sight and brain, so that it could be able to enhance creativity.

Second, makeup can influence brain development, because it needs find workmanship. As people wear makeup in daily bases these days, the drawings on face should be natural and delicate. Practicing this type of makeup will lead to nicer craftsmanship. A number of efforts are being made to develop brain with elaborate handwork. But I'm sure that this is the greatest way to make children skill with their hands, due to there is not a canvas can be more sophisticated than human's features.

Finally, children will recognize themselves deeply drawing and painting on their own faces. Kids start to notice their unique individuality by getting older. And this is significant part of character building and identity searching. Right self-perception is important in fully forming one's character and cultivating philosophical thoughts. Since makeup needs lots of time to observe ourselves, there couldn't be better ways to foster this aspect. It would also calm down young people's obsession to appearance by teaching actual self.

In conclusion, kids can improve minds by using colorful products, training handicrafts, and seeking out who we are. All of these astounding exercises could be achieved by simple 10 ~ 15 minutes of makeup. I understand people worrying about toxic chemicals contained in cosmetics, but it will be safe if we wash it off soon. Let kids enjoy and be mature at the same time.


  1. Hello I’m your classmate Seohee, your essay is quite interesting because I really love kids. I found your background information really complete helpful to understand your essay, and also your thesis statement is clear. The process of your essay is organized so I could understand it in a logical sequence. Also the details of the body paragraphs were detailed that I hadn’t any difficulties to understand your essay. And your recommendation as a conclusion made a good ending to your essay. Thank you!!!

  2. hi, i read this well. all points are well organized from cause to effect. but, the points you wrote are actually not what majority accept. it would be much better if you put some real case or your story ,etc... because there are so many things which can be the alternatives to makeup when it comes to color cognitive ability, handwork skill, and self-perception.
